Monday, August 15, 2011

Guinness' Homecoming Anniversary

August 15, 2011: The anniversary of Guinness' homecoming!

What a wee little piggy he was when we first brought him home on this same day in 2010. We fell in love with him at Petco when we held him and he sat on my chest and squeeked at me. It was really love at first sight! Cole and I both really liked him (especially his coloring and the silly crest on his head) and thought he looked like a little "Guinness"... a little black and tan pig!

We didn't know much about guinea pigs then, but I spent the next weeks researching constantly. What food is best, what bedding, what toys, etc. We chopped veggies every morning and took him out to play every night. Now, he has a guinea mansion with lots of toys, hay, treats, and friends! At first, Guinness was a scaredy peeg, always running from noises. Now, hardly anything phases him. He begs for treats and squeeks for attention every time I come by the cage. He will let anyone pet him. He has really turned into quite the "ham" as I like to say.

Taking Guinness home on this day 1 year ago really started a chain of events that has changed my life. First Guinness, then Peanut (because Guinness needed a buddy), and now we have adopted Wally. Pretty soon, Wally will need a buddy too. I love my little piggies so much! I'm turning into a crazy guinea pig lady and I'm proud of it!

Me and Guinness cuddling

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