Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guinea Stamps!!!

I decided to order stamps from with pictures of Guinness and Peanut on them. I was inspired by my parents, who had stamps made of our pets Gusty (cat) and Charlie (goldendoodle). The stamps are super cute! Here are the pictures I decided to use:

Guinness in the cave

Peanut looking extra rascally on the bridge

I love these two pictures. I wanted to use a picture of both of them together, but it was too much to fit on the little stamp. If you would like a guinea-stamped letter or card, let me know! (Or even if you don't want one, I will be sending out something soon)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big Pigs

I've been charting the guinea pigs' growth since we got them. Its amazing how fast they grow! I'm pretty sure Guinness has stopped growing (almost 1 year old), but Peanut is getting bigger every day.

Guinness weighed 1 lb 8 oz when we first took him to the vet in September 2010 (looking back to some of my earlier posts, you can tell how small he was). As of March 2011 he weighs 2 lbs 7 oz. I've read that guinea pigs can grow up to a year, so Guinness could still grow a little in the next few months. We'll see!

January 2011: He takes up half the cave!

March 2011: Tall pig! 
Lying down, he's about 12 inches from nose to rear. 

Peanut has gotten up to 1 lb 8 oz! He was under 1 lb when we got him in early January, so hes growing pretty darn fast. He's still tiny compared to his big brother, but he's catching up quickly.

Early January 2011: SO tiny!

Late February 2011: taking a piggy nap in the cave
After just 2 months, he looks like he's double the size!

I'll update in a few months when Peanut is full grown. He's 5 months old now, so if he's anything like Guinness, he'll grow pretty fast over the next 3 months!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best Friends

The pigs have been together for about a month now. We built a giant PIGGY PALACE so that they both have lots of space, and we can still separate them while they eat in the morning. There is a little bridge between both sections. They love their home and they love each other! It took a while to introduce them, but they are best friends now. They pretty much spend their days puttering around together, eating hay, wheeking, and begging for treats when mommy or daddy walks by. Here are some extra-cute pics of the piggies hanging out together.

PS-- as you can tell, they now have a colorful fleece bedding. I find its easier to clean and MUCH cheaper. Previously, we were buying 1 large bag of Carefresh per week--yikes! Go Hawks!

Piggy train-- they always follow each other around!

Pigs on the bridge, begging for treats :)

Peanut poking his head out of the hutch-- curious little piggies

One side of the cage + the connecting bridge

Other side of the cage (this is the original cage we built for Guinness)